kolmapäev, 1. august 2007

Räpakoll on räigelt kuri

Naistesebija blogis oli igasuguseid lollakaid teste. Räpakoll tegi ka ühe.
Toon ära ka need küsimused ja Räpakolli vastused. Punasega on need, mis käivad Räpakolli kohta. Test oli selle kohta kui kuri sa oled. Räpakoll on 90% kuri.

You've broken the law
You've looked at nudie pics online
You've secretly wished someone harm
You've kissed someone you shouldn't be kissing
You've said something so mean it made someone cry
You've killed a bug
You've spit in someone's drink
You've sought revenge on someone
You've made a prank phone call
You've turned people against someone
You've illegally downloaded music online

You've flirted with someone to make someone else jealous
You've told racist / sexist jokes
You've called someone the "c" word
You've made a promise you knew you were going to break

You've done the "walk of shame"
You've corrupted a minor
You've divulged someone's dark secret
You've made fun of a retarded person
You've cheated on a test... or a lover
You don't believe in God
You hate kids
You've gotten in a fist fight
You made someone's life hell in school
You've shoplifted or stolen from someone
You've been so drunk you couldn't remember the night before
You've vandalized someone's car or house
You've made fun of a fat person
You have a fondness for disturbing pictures / anime
You've blamed a fart on someone else
You enjoy setting things on fire

You've been arrested
You've secretly backstabbed a friend
You would choose your life over the lives of 100,000 strangers
You would kill for 1,000,000 if you were guaranteed not to get caught
You've harmed yourself to get attention
You have a nemesis
You believe in an eye for an eye... or even more for an eye
You don't think lying to a stranger is a big deal
You think giving to the homeless is wasting money
You'll pick evil over stupid any day
You aren't bothered by seeing others in pain
You'd rather have world domination than world peace
You enjoy very violent video games
You are disgusted by weak people
You would keep a wallet full if cash if it came your way
You rather harm an enemy than help a friend
You've shot a gun... and liked it
You'd rather be a supervillian than a superhero

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